S razvojem nosivosti kriogene rakete, raste i zahtjev za protokom punjenja pogonskim gorivom. Cjevovod za prijenos kriogenog fluida je nezamjenjiva oprema u zrakoplovstvu, koja se koristi u sustavu punjenja kriogenog pogonskog goriva. In the low-temperature fluid conveying pipeline, the low-temperature vacuum hose, because of its good sealing, pressure resistance and bending performance, can compensate and absorb the displacement change caused by thermal expansion or cold contraction caused by temperature change, compensate the installation devijaciju cjevovoda i smanjiti vibracije i buku, te postati bitan element prijenosa tekućine u sustavu punjenja niske temperature. In order to adapt to the position changes caused by the docking and shedding motion of the propellant filling connector in the small space of the protective tower, the designed pipeline should have some flexible adaptability in both the transverse and longitudinal directions.
Cjelokupni dizajn kriogene vakuumske cijevi
U skladu sa zahtjevima upotrebe i okolinom slanog spreja, metalni materijal 06Cr19Ni10 odabran je kao glavni materijal cjevovoda. Sklop cijevi sastoji se od dva sloja tijela cijevi, unutarnjeg tijela i vanjskog mrežnog tijela, povezanih koljenom od 90° u sredini. Aluminum foil and non-alkali cloth are alternately wound on the external surface of the internal body to construct the insulation layer. A number of PTFE hose support rings are set outside the insulation layer to prevent direct contact between the internal and external pipes and improve the insulation performance. The two ends of the joint according to the connection requirements, the design of matching structure of the big diameter adiabatic joint. An adsorption box filled with 5A molecular sieve is arranged in the sandwich formed between the two layers of tubes to ensure that the pipeline has a good vacuum degree and vacuum life at cryogenic. The sealing plug is used for the sandwich vacuuming process interface.
Izolacijski sloj sastoji se od više slojeva refleksijskog zaslona i razmaknog sloja koji se naizmjenično namotavaju na adijabatsku stijenku. Glavna funkcija reflektorskog zaslona je izolacija prijenosa topline vanjskog zračenja. Odstojnik može spriječiti izravan kontakt s reflektirajućim zaslonom i djelovati kao usporivač plamena i toplinska izolacija. The reflective screen materials include aluminum foil, aluminized polyester film, etc., and the spacer layer materials include non-alkali glass fiber paper, non-alkali glass fiber cloth, nylon fabric, adiabatic paper, etc.
Adsorbent is a substance with microporous structure, its unit mass adsorption surface area is large, by molecular force to attract gas molecules to the surface of the adsorbent. The adsorbent in the sandwich of cryogenic pipe plays an important role in obtaining and maintaining the vacuum degree of the sandwich at cryogenic. Najčešće korišteni adsorbensi su 5A molekularno sito i aktivni ugljen. Under vacuum and cryogenic conditions, 5A molecular sieve and active carbon have similar adsorption capacity of N2, O2, Ar2, H2 and other common gases. Aktivni ugljen lako desorbira vodu prilikom usisavanja u sendviču, ali se lako sagorijeva u O2. Aktivni ugljen nije odabran kao adsorbent za cjevovod medija tekućeg kisika.
5Molekularno sito odabrano je kao sendvič adsorbent u shemi dizajna.
Vrijeme objave: 12. svibnja 2023